Results for 'of Vernacular Italian Comedy'

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  1. Between acting and literacy: On the origins.of Vernacular Italian Comedy - 2006 - Mediaevalia 27:257.
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    The Varieties of Vernacular Mysticism (1350–1550) by Bernard McGinn.R. Dennis J. Billy C. Ss - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (3):476-481.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Varieties of Vernacular Mysticism (1350–1550) by Bernard McGinnDennis J. Billy C.Ss.R.The Varieties of Vernacular Mysticism (1350–1550). By Bernard McGinn. New York: Crossroad, 2012. Pp. xiv + 721. $70.00 (cloth). ISBN: 978-0-8245-9901-0.This fifth volume of McGinn’s Presence of God: A History of Western Christian Mysticism covers the Dutch, Italian, and English vernacular mystics of the late Middle Ages. In previous volumes, the author treated (...)
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    The Italian mind: vernacular logic in Renaissance Italy (1540-1551).Marco Sgarbi - 2014 - Boston: Brill.
    Language, vernacular and philosophy -- Sperone Speroni between language and logic -- Benedetto Varchi and the idea of a vernacular logic (1540) -- Antonio Tridapale and the first vernacular logic (1547) -- Nicolo Massa's logic for natural philosophy (1549) -- Alessandro Piccolomini's instrument of philosophy (1551).
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    The Comedies of Machiavelli: The Woman From Andros; the Mandrake; Clizia.Niccolo Machiavelli & James B. Atkinson - 1985 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Though better known today as a political theorist than as a dramatist, Machiavelli secured his fame as a giant in the history of Italian comedy more than fifty years before Shakespeare's comedies delighted English-speaking audiences. This bilingual edition includes all three examples of Machiavelli's comedic art: sparkling translations of his farcical masterpiece, _The Mandrake_; of his version of Terence's _The Woman From Andros_; and of his Plautus-inspired _Clizia_--works whose genre afforded Machiavelli a unique vehicle not only for entertaining (...)
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    Italian Translations and Editions of Thomas More's Libellus vere aureus.Paola Spinozzi - 2016 - Utopian Studies 27 (3):505-520.
    De re aedificatoria by Leon Battista Alberti, Trattato di Architettura by Filarete, Trattati di architettura, ingegneria e arte militare by Francesco di Giorgio Martini, and Leonardo da Vinci’s works of engineering and inventions exemplify the ways in which fifteenth-century Italian thinkers could blend speculative and rational approaches. Libellus vere aureus was published in Leuven in 1516. Mambrino Roseo praised the simple, earnest people of Garamanti in Institutione del prencipe christiano, dating to 1543. The first version of More’s Latin text (...)
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    Mechanisms of adaptation “to our (Russian) customs” of Italian opera librettos.Stefano Garzonio - 2002 - Sign Systems Studies 30 (2):629-643.
    Stefano Garzonio. Mechanisms of adaptation “to our (Russian) customs” of Italian opera librettos. The paper deals with the history of poetical translation of Italian musical poetry in the 18th century Russia. In particular, it is focused on the question of pereloženie na russkie nravy, the adaptation to national Russian customs, of Italian opera librettos, cantatas, arias, songs and so on. The author points out three different phases of this process. The first phase, in the 1730s, coincides with (...)
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    Marco Sgarbi, The Italian Mind. Vernacular Logic in Renaissance Italy.Andrea Sangiacomo - 2015 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 4 (1):136-140.
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    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri, A Verse Translation: “Paradiso,” 1: Introduction, Italian Text and Translation, trans. Allen Mandelbaum. Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, 1982. Pp. xxi, 307; illustrated. $29.95. [REVIEW]Richard H. Lansing - 1986 - Speculum 61 (2):495-496.
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    Is Stand‐Up Comedy Art?Ian Brodie - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 78 (4):401-418.
    ABSTRACT Stand-up so closely resembles-and is meant to resemble-the styles and expectations of everyday speech that the idea of technique and technical mastery we typically associate with art is almost rendered invisible. Technique and technical mastery is as much about the understanding and development of audiences as collaborators as it is the generation of material. Doing so requires encountering audiences in places that by custom or design encourage ludic and vernacular talk-social spaces and third spaces such as bars, coffee (...)
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    Changing conceptions of mathematics and infinity in Giordano Bruno’s vernacular and Latin works.Paolo Rossini - 2020 - Science in Context 33 (3):251-271.
    ArgumentThe purpose of this paper is to provide an analysis of Giordano Bruno’s conception of mathematics. Specifically, it intends to highlight two aspects of this conception that have been neglected in previous studies. First, Bruno’s conception of mathematics changed over time and in parallel with another concept that was central to his thought: the concept of infinity. Specifically, Bruno undertook a reform of mathematics in order to accommodate the concept of the infinitely small or “minimum,” which was introduced at a (...)
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    Giovanni Boccaccio, Boccaccio's Expositions on Dante's “Comedy,” trans. Michael Papio. (The Lorenzo Da Ponte Italian Library.) Toronto; Buffalo, N.Y.; and London: University of Toronto Press, 2009. Pp. vii, 764. $135. [REVIEW]Dario Del Puppo - 2011 - Speculum 86 (4):1052-1053.
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    The Lost Italian Renaissance: Humanists, Historians, and Latin's Legacy (review).Paul Richard Blum - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (4):485-487.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Lost Italian Renaissance: Humanists, Historians, and Latin’s LegacyPaul Richard BlumChristopher S. Celenza. The Lost Italian Renaissance: Humanists, Historians, and Latin’s Legacy. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004. Pp. xx + 210. Cloth, $45.00This is a programmatic book about why and how philosophy should care about Renaissance texts. Celenza starts with an assessment of the neglect of the wealth of Latin Renaissance [End Page 485] (...)
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    Slave Costume in New Comedy.W. Beare - 1949 - Classical Quarterly 43 (1-2):30-.
    The article by Professor Webster on ‘South Italian Vases and Attic Drama' in C.Q. xlii, pp. 15–27, raises problems for the reader of Roman comedy. Professor Webster takes the view that the Latin plays are good evidence for the costumes worn on the Greek stage; he even says that ‘the Greek original of Sceparnio in the Rudens certainly wore the phallus’, thus reviving a suggestion of Skutsch which Marx thought sehr k's argument that ancient works of art, in (...)
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  14. On (Not) Reading Inscribed Objects in Latin Comedy.Hans Bork - 2023 - American Journal of Philology 144 (3):415-448.
    This paper examines the performance dynamics of onstage texts in Plautus’ comedies and, in the process, argues that an audience-level viewpoint is essential to understanding Latin stage comedy. Examples of rare epigraphic texts are compared with the more common motif of in-play “perishable texts.” The perishable type were performed by actors as though verbatim and transmit novel information to the audience. In contrast, epigraphic texts are paraphrased and so require specific knowledge. Each kind of text thus does different dramatic (...)
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    On specific character of Austrian national code in literature and music: origins of game-like nature.Yu L. Tsvetkov - 2016 - Liberal Arts in Russia 5 (1):36.
    In the article the mutual influence of folk theatre, Austrian Singspiel and Viennese opera in the genres of comic opera, operetta and drama performances involving music, singing and dancing is studied. The powerful influence of Italian and French opera schools, as well as the Italian Commedia Dell'arte led to the flourishing of music and theatre art in Austria: opera buffa (A. Salieri, Ch. W. Glück, J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart), fairy-tale comedies of F. Raimund and satirical dramas of (...)
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    Exercises in Idiomatic Italian: Through Literal Translation From the English.Maria Francesca Rossetti - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    This innovative aid to the study of Italian was published in 1867 by Maria Francesca Rossetti, the older sister of Dante Gabriel, William Michael and Christina. A scholar and teacher of Italian, she was later to publish A Shadow of Dante, a guide to the Divine Comedy, also reissued in the Cambridge Library Collection. Her purpose here, as she explains in her preface, is to demonstrate idiomatic Italian usage by providing short passages translated very literally into (...)
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    Gender and the Italian Stage: From the Renaissance to the Present Day.Maggie Günsberg - 1997 - Cambridge University Press.
    Maggie Günsberg explores the intersection between gender portrayal and other social categories of class, age and the family in the Italian theatre from the Renaissance to the present day. She examines the developing relationship between patriarchal strategies and the formal properties of the dramatic genre such as plot, comedy and realism. She also considers conventions specific to drama in performance, including images of both femininity and masculinity. An interdisciplinary approach, drawing on semiotics, psychoanalysis, philosophy, theories of spectatorship and (...)
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    The Italian Silence.Robert P. Harrison - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 13 (1):81-99.
    During the latter half of the thirteenth century there arose around Tuscany a strange and unprecedented poetry, erudite, abstract, and arrogantly intellectual. It sang beyond courtly conventions about the wonders of the rational universe whose complex secrets the new speculative sciences were eagerly systematizing. Appropriating the language of natural philosophy, Aristotelian psychology, and even theology, love poetry developed a new theoretical understanding of its enterprise which allowed it to redefine love as spiritualized search for knowledge. This intellectualization of erotic desire (...)
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    The Cabala of Pegasus.Sidney L. Sondergard & Madison U. Sowell (eds.) - 2002 - Yale University Press.
    Giordano Bruno’s Cabala del cavallo pegaseo _ _grew out of the great Italian philosopher’s experiences lecturing and debating at Oxford in early 1584. Having received a cold reception there because of his viewpoints, Bruno went on in the Cabala to attack the narrow-mindedness of the university--and by extension, all universities that resisted his advocacy of intellectual freethinking. _The Cabala of Pegasus _consists_ _of vernacular dialogues that turn on the identification of the noble Pegasus and the humble ass. In (...)
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    The Cabala of Pegasus.Giordano Bruno - 2002 - Yale University Press. Edited by Giordano Bruno.
    Giordano Bruno’s Cabala del cavallo pegaseo _ _grew out of the great Italian philosopher’s experiences lecturing and debating at Oxford in early 1584. Having received a cold reception there because of his viewpoints, Bruno went on in the Cabala to attack the narrow-mindedness of the university--and by extension, all universities that resisted his advocacy of intellectual freethinking. _The Cabala of Pegasus _consists_ _of vernacular dialogues that turn on the identification of the noble Pegasus and the humble ass. In (...)
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    Dante's poetics of the sacred word.Steven Botterill - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (1):154-162.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dante’s Poetics Of The Sacred WordSteven BotterillI hope to make a case that, until recently, would probably have seemed self-evident, or at least uncontroversial: namely, that a positive valuation of the power of human language to express and to represent informs the textual practice of Dante’s Commedia—or, to put it more bluntly, that Dante believes in words.1The language of poetry was, for Dante, the supremely demanding and supremely rewarding (...)
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    In Our Image and Likeness: Humanity and Divinity in Italian Humanist Thought (review). [REVIEW]John H. Geerken - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (4):525-535.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 525 "an awareness of its perfection in perfect sell-identity" stems from his own theological bias: if God is to be connected with the world, His thinking cannot be merely a thinking about itself; His mind must also contain the Ideas of the sensible world. The inconsistency is quite apparent in the concluding paragraph of the introductory chapter three on "SellKnowledge ": If we study chapters seven and (...)
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    Agrippa and the Crisis of Renaissance Thought (review).H. D. Betz - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (1):86-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:86 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY lamblichi Chalcidensis ex Coele-Syria de vita Pythagorica liber, lamblichos, Pythagoras. Legende--Lehre---Lebensgestaltung. Griechisch und Deutsch, herausgegeben, iibersetzt und eingeleitet von Michael yon Albrecht. (Ziirich & Stuttgart: Artemis, 1963. Pp. 280. = Die Bibliothek der Alten Welt, Reihe Antike und Christentum.) The present edition and translation again makes available one of the texts most valuable for the understanding of the world of late antiquity. The earlier editions, (...)
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    A history of american music education (review).Sondra Wieland Howe - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (4):pp. 115-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A History of American Music EducationSondra Wieland HoweA History of American Music Education, 3rd edition, by Michael L. Mark and Charles L. Gary. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Education, 2007, 500 pp., $95.00 cloth, $44.95 paper.Mark and Gary's editions of A History of American Music Education are indispensable reading for every music education student, practicing professional music educator, and the general reader who is interested in the development (...)
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    On Dante, Hyperspheres, and the Curvature of the Medieval Cosmos.William Egginton - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (2):195-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On Dante, Hyperspheres, and the Curvature of the Medieval CosmosWilliam EggintonIn the course of his lectures on medieval literature at Oxford University in the 1950s C. S. Lewis would ask students to walk alone at night, gaze at the star-filled sky, and try to imagine how it might look to a walker in the Middle Ages. It would not likely have occurred to him that some forty years later (...)
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    Migration, masculinity and ‘double occupancy’ in Paola Randi’s Into Paradiso.Enrico Carocci - 2016 - European Journal of Women's Studies 23 (4):415-432.
    The advent of the Italian Second Republic coincides with a phase of uncertainty about national identity. The 1990s was the decade in which Italy was no longer a country of emigration but became a land of immigration. Italian cinema registered this right away, and films on the topic of immigration continue to grow steadily. Paola Randi’s Into Paradiso is a rare comedy about immigration; this article shows how the film presents migratory dynamics and a ‘post-national’ feeling of (...)
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    The Renaissance Crisis of Exemplarity.François Rigolot - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (4):557-563.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Renaissance Crisis of ExemplarityFrançois Rigolot“Every example is lame” (Tout exemple cloche), acknowledged Montaigne in the last chapter of his Essais. 1 Was this the moaning of a lone, disillusioned skeptic or the idiosyncratic formulation of a widely shared attitude of mistrust at the end of the sixteenth century? To answer this question one must first examine the epistemological status of examples at the end of the period we (...)
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    The Canticle of the Creatures as Hypotext behind Dante’s Pater Noster.Rodney Lokaj - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26 (2):19-40.
    The article analyses Dante’s explanatory paraphrase and exegesis of the Lord’s Prayer, which opens the eleventh canto of Purgatory. The author reminds us that the prayer is the only one fully recited in the entire Comedy and this devotional practice is in line with the Franciscan prescription to recite it in the sixth hour of the Divine Office when Christ died on the cross. The prayer is reported by the poet on the first terrace of Purgatory, where the proud (...)
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  29. The Intersecting Fields of Ethno-Architecture: From the Indo-Himalayan World to Occidental Europe.Gérard Toffin - 1994 - Diogenes 42 (166):23-48.
    For some thirty years, a handful of architects has been trying to call into question the primacy that the history of architecture has given to monumental buildings. The representatives of this trend want to get away from the short chronology, common since the Italian Renaissance, and react against the dominant international functionalism that has too little respect for the local cultural contexts. It is under the influence of this “vernacular” approach that the small traditional structure became as legitimate (...)
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    What was meant by vulgarizing in the Italian Renaissance?Marco Sgarbi - 2019 - Intellectual History Review 29 (3):389-416.
    What did it mean to “vulgarize” in Renaissance Italy? Was it simply a matter of translating into the vernacular, or did it mean making a text more accessible to the people – to in some sense popularize it? The answer is far from simple and certainly never one-sided; therefore, each individual case needs to be independently assessed on its own merits. This article seeks to shed some light at least on the major treatments of the theory of vulgarization by (...)
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    " It's not true, but I believe it": Discussions on jettatura in Naples between the End of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth Centuries.Francesco Paolo de Ceglia - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (1):75-97.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“It’s not true, but I believe it”: Discussions on jettatura in Naples between the End of the Eighteenth and Beginning of the Nineteenth CenturiesFrancesco Paolo de CegliaIntroduction: What is Jettatura?Non è ci credo (“It’s not true... but I believe it”) is the title of a comedy by the Italian actor and playwright, Peppino De Filippo, younger brother of the more famous Eduardo, which was staged for the (...)
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    (1 other version)Reason of State.Harro Höpfl - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 1113--1115.
    A term of art, originally Italian, becoming common usage in other European vernaculars in the late sixteenth century. It meant practical reflection, albeit in writing and general in form, about all aspects of statecraft . It claimed practical usefulness in virtue of its grounding in experience and history, contrasting itself with “mirrors of princes,” which were supposedly ignorant of the realities of politics. More narrowly, reason of state meant a “Machiavellian” disregard for legal, moral, and religious considerations when the (...)
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    Abelard in Four Dimensions: A Twelfth-Century Philosopher in His Context and Ours.John Marenbon - 2013 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The Meditations on the Life of Christ was the most popular and influential devotional work of the later Middle Ages. With its lively dialogue and narrative realism, its poignant and moving depictions of the Nativity and Passion, and its direct appeals to the reader to feel love and compassion, the Meditations had a major impact on devotional practices, religious art, meditative literature, vernacular drama, and the cultivation of affective experience. This volume is a critical edition, with English translation and (...)
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    Intersubjectivity, Ethics in Times of Crisis and Objective Idealism as a Philosophical System: An Interview with Vittorio Hösle.Giulia Battistoni & Francesco Ghia - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 6:99-116.
    Vittorio Hösle is internationally highly regarded for his attempt to revive objective idealism – the philosophical line along which he situates the positions of Plato, Aristotle, most medieval philosophers, Spinoza, Leibniz, Schelling, Hegel, but also Peirce and Whitehead – as a philosophical system capable of holding together the transcendental dimension of synthetic a priori judgments with the intelligibility and objectivity of being. In this interview, he discusses his work over the past decades, starting from the “Philosophische Lehrjahre” (“years of philosophical (...)
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    Momus.Leon Battista Alberti - 1942 - Bologna,: N. Zanichelli. Edited by Giuseppe Martini.
    Momus is the most ambitious literary creation of Leon Battista Alberti, the humanist-scientist-artist and "universal man" of the Italian Renaissance. In this dark comedy, written around 1450, Alberti charts the fortunes of his anti-hero Momus, god of criticism. This edition offers a new Latin text and the first full translation into English.
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    Defining Dialogue: From Socrates to the Internet.Geoffrey Rockwell - 2003 - Humanity Books.
    This original cross-disciplinary work examines the crucial role of dialogue in philosophy from the oral dialogues of Socrates; through the written dialogues of Plato, Cicero, Lucian, Valla, Hume, and Heidegger; to the present ubiquitous form of dialogue on the Internet. Geoffrey Rockwell's main point is that in dialogue, be it oral, written, or electronic, there is a common mode of persuasion at work. The dialogue is an orchestrated event meant to be overheard. While the author is absent, the readers of (...)
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    „Brama piekła otwarta”.Anna Hajduk - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26 (2):89-106.
    This paper is an attempt to discuss the connections between Dante’s Divine Comedy and the poetic representations of the extermination of Jews during World War II. The work of the Italian master proves to be a point of reference for many Polish and Polish-Jewish poets in their search for the right language to describe the brutal reality of the Holocaust, to render the cruelty of this crime and the immense suffering of its victims, to testify about their own (...)
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    After Irony: Aristophanes' Wealth and its Modern Interpreters.James F. McGlew - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):35-53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:After Irony: Aristophanes’ Wealth and its Modern InterpretersJames McGlewThe contest between Chremylus and Penia in Wealth (488–626) lies at the center of interpretations of Aristophanes’ final surviving play and of Old Comedy’s dramatic and receptive development in Aristophanes’ last years. In much of the work of scholars since Helmut Flashar’s 1967 article, 1 and including A. E. Bowie’s recent study (1993) on Aristophanes, that contest and the episodic (...)
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    Zgorszeni Dantem.Jacek Grzybowski - 2021 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26 (2):41-66.
    This paper refers to the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri in commemoration of which Pope Francis released a special apostolic letter highlighting the genius and significance of the Italian poet. We should praise his genius, the Pope writes, because it is he who was able to express, much better than most of the others, the depth of the mystery of God and His love. The Commedia is the fruit of deep religious inspiration. This is why Francis (...)
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    Iago's Roman Ancestors.James Tatum - 2019 - Arion 27 (1):77-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Iago’s Roman Ancestors JAMES TATUM Othello is that rare thing: a tragedy of literary types who half suspect they are playing in a comedy. —D. S. Stewart, 1967 In memoriam Bill Cook1 Shakespeare’s Othello is a drama created for a world where everyone was bound by “service,” a formal connection to someone else superior, in a hierarchy that linked all persons in court, theater, and society through unavoidable (...)
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    Messiahs and Machiavellians: Depicting Evil in the Modern Theatre.Paul Corey - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    _Messiahs and Machiavellians_ is an innovative exploration of “modern evil” in works of early- and late-modern theatre, raising issues about ethics, politics, religion, and aesthetics that speak to our present condition. Paul Corey examines how theatre—which expressed a key political dynamic both in the Renaissance and the twentieth century—lays open the impulses that instigated modernity and, ultimately, unparalleled levels of violence and destruction. Starting with Albert Camus’ _Caligula_ and Samuel Beckett’s _Waiting for Godot_, then turning to Machiavelli’s _Mandragola_ and Shakespeare’s (...)
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    Ernesto de Martino on Religion: The Crisis and the Presence.Fabrizio M. Ferrari - 2012 - Equinox Publishing.
    Ernesto de Martino made a seminal contribution to the study of vernacular religions, producing innovative analyses of key concepts such as folklore, magic and ritual. His methodology stemmed from his training under the Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce whilst his philosophical approach to anthropology borrowed from Marx and Gramsci.Widely celebrated in continental Europe, de Martino's contribution to the study of religion has not been fully understood in the Anglophone world though some of his works - Primitive Magic: the Psychic (...)
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    How to Paint a Roman Soldier: Early Modern Artists' Readings of Guillaume du Choul's Discours.Marta Cacho Casal - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (5):665-682.
    SUMMARYEarly modern artists who did not have access to Roman Antiquity or needed quick access to it could refer to prints after monuments such as those issued by Antoine Lafréry. But Du Choul's Discours sur la castrametation et discipline militaire des Romains [ … ] De la Religion des anciens Romains was also successful among artists, particularly painters. It was in vernacular language and widely available in French, Spanish and Italian; it was affordable and compact in format ; (...)
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    Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World.Igor Candido (ed.) - 2018 - De Gruyter.
    The early modern and modern cultural world in the West would be unthinkable without Petrarch and Boccaccio. Despite this fact, there is still no scholarly contribution entirely devoted to analysing their intellectual revolution. Internationally renowned scholars are invited to discuss and rethink the historical, intellectual, and literary roles of Petrarch and Boccaccio between the great model of Dante’s encyclopedia and the ideas of a double or multifaceted culture in the era of Italian Renaissance Humanism. In his lyrical poems and (...)
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    Georg Lukács: Magus Realismus?Sara Nadal-Melsió - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (2):62-84.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 34.2 (2006) 62-84 [Access article in PDF] Georg Lukács Magus Realismus? Sara Nadal-Melsió The reception of Georg Lukács's theorizing of realist narratives has been complicated and controversial, often relying on an artificial division of Lukács's oeuvre. On the one hand, the widely admired History and Class Consciousness stands as the mouthpiece for anything philosophical or political in Lukács. On the other, one finds a generalized dismissal of Lukács's (...)
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    Brief Mention: Shameless Interests: The Decent Scholarship of Indecency.Kenneth J. Reckford - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (2):311-314.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Brief Mention: Shameless Interests: The Decent Scholarship of Indecency*Kenneth J. ReckfordGood intentions go astray. I had meant simply to celebrate the ease and naturalness with which classical scholars treat obscene subject-matter nowadays, but there were difficulties, which may prove instructive.I had felt oddly grateful, after reading and reviewing Dover’s 1993 Frogs, for how he explained (and of course, printed) the old scatological jokes that Merry (1905) had omitted, and (...)
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  47.  18
    Laughter in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Epistemology of a Fundamental Human Behavior, its Meaning, and Consequences.Albrecht Classen (ed.) - 2010 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Introduction: Laughter as an expression of human nature in the Middle Ages and the early modern period: literary, historical, theological, philosophical, and psychological reflections -- Judith Hagen. Laughter in Procopius's wars -- Livnat Holtzman. "Does God really laugh?": appropriate and inappropriate descriptions of God in Islamic traditionalist theology -- Daniel F. Pigg. Laughter in Beowulf: ambiguity, ambivalence, and group identity formation -- Mark Burde. The parodia sacra problem and medieval comic studies -- Olga V. Trokhimenko. Women's laughter and gender politics (...)
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    Filone Alessandrino a Venezia nel ’500. Le prime traduzioni in volgare italiano.Francesca Calabi - 2024 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 45 (2):299-330.
    The first translations of Philo into the Italian vernacular date back to the second half of the 16th century and took place in Venice. The cosmopolitan and flourishing Venetian environment plays a fundamental role in the Mediterranean and European economy and is at the center of a network of international relationships. The city is a center of attraction for intellectuals and artists and the book business is experiencing great development there. The Venetian translations of Philo constitute an interesting (...)
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    The Structure of Mythological Old Comedy.Loren D. Marsh - 2020 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 164 (1):14-38.
    Scholars often assume that Old Comedies based on mythological stories differed from other Old Comedies primarily by their mythological plot material, and that therefore they shared the structural features of the surviving plays of Aristophanes. I show that the evidence may instead indicate that these Old Comedies did not as a rule have a parabasis or an agon. The structure of mythological Old Comedy could then have resembled the satyr play more closely than Aristophanic Old Comedy, meaning genre (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy (review).Giuliana Carugati - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (3):474-475.
    Giuliana Carugati - The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:3 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.3 474-475 Christian Moevs. The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy. American Academy of Religion, Reflection and Theory in the Study of Religion Series. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Pp. xii + 308. Cloth, $49.95 Having for a long time insisted on a newly "mystical," as well as a radically contemporary, reading of Dante's Commedia, this reviewer cannot (...)
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